One of the most promising renewable energy sources is Photovoltaic (PV) electrical system, due to advantages such as no pollution, low noise, etc. So that; over the past few years, there is a number of PV research papers in many applications such as Grid Connection, Battery Charger, etc. However, it is essential to test such PV electrical systems prior to their design and/or installations because some parameters such as temperature [celcius] and irradiance [W/square metre] can limit the output power of PV panel. Moreover, the effect of the partial shading; when PV panels are arranged to be PV array, may also lead to decreasing output power at the terminal. Consequently, a high performance of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm is necessary. All the reasons as mention above, a PV array simulator that can emulate the V-I curve of a real PV array irrespective of the environmental conditions is dispensable for using in research laboratory. This research project concerns with high performance control techniques for achieving this goal.